Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy has been prepared by Imecar Ltd. Şti. (hereinafter referred to as "Imecar"), for (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”). The Cookie Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) is an appendix to the Imecar Privacy Agreement.

Like many websites, uses cookies to show personalized content and advertisements to visitors, perform traffic analysis on, and understand visitor usage habits. The use of these technologies is carried out in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, primarily the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (KVKK).

The purpose of this Disclosure is to inform you about the processing of personal data obtained through the use of cookies by the users/members/visitors (“Data Subject/Relevant Person”) of the “” website operated by us. In this text, we aim to explain which types of cookies we use on our site for which purposes and how you can control these cookies.

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are very small text files, usually consisting of letters and numbers, that are saved to your computer (or other devices such as smartphones or tablets) via browsers by the websites you visit. Cookies do not contain personal data such as names, gender, or addresses related to visitors.

Cookies are created by the servers that manage the website you visit. Thus, when the visitor visits the same site again, the server can understand this. Cookies can be likened to identity cards that show the website owner that the same visitor has returned to the site. For more detailed information about cookies, you can visit and

Which Cookies Are Used?

Cookies can be classified by their owners, lifespan, and usage purposes.

By owner, there are site cookies and third-party cookies. Site cookies are managed by Imecar, while third-party cookies are managed by different companies.

By lifespan, there are session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted when the visitor leaves the site, while persistent cookies remain on visitors' devices for varying periods.

By usage purposes, there are technical cookies, authentication cookies, targeting/advertising cookies, personalization cookies, and analytical cookies.

Session Cookies

Session cookies are temporary cookies used during the visit of our visitors to the site, which are deleted after the browser is closed. The main purpose of using these cookies is to ensure the proper functioning of the site during your visit. For example, they enable you to fill out online forms that span multiple pages.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies are used to increase the functionality of the site and provide a faster and better service to our visitors. These types of cookies are used to remember visitor preferences and are stored on the device used through browsers. Some types of persistent cookies can be used to offer you special recommendations considering things like your usage purpose of the site.

Thanks to persistent cookies, if you visit the site again with the same device, it will be checked whether there is a cookie created by the site on your device, and if there is, it will be understood that you have visited the site before, and the content to be communicated to you will be determined accordingly, and thus a better service will be provided to you.

Technical Cookies

Technical cookies ensure the operation of the site, and non-working pages and areas of the website are detected.

Authentication Cookies

If visitors log in to the site using their passwords, such cookies prevent the user from having to re-enter their password on each page by identifying the user on each page they visit on the site.

Targeting/Advertising Cookies

These are the types of cookies used to customize the advertisements presented to users on the site and to prevent the same advertisement from being shown repeatedly.

Personalization Cookies

These are cookies used to remember the preferences of users on different pages of the site. For example, it remembers your chosen language preference.

Analytical Cookies

Analytical cookies are cookies that produce analytical results such as the number of visitors to the site, the detection of pages viewed on the site, site visit hours, scrolling movements on site pages.

Why Are Cookies Used?

Cookies are used on for the following purposes:

To perform the basic functions necessary for the operation of the site. For example, allowing site users to log in with their account information.

To analyze the site and increase the performance of the site. For example, to determine the number of visitors to the site and to make performance settings accordingly or to make it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for.

To increase the functionality of the site and provide ease of use. For example, to remember the username information or search queries of the visitor on their next visit.

To perform personalization, targeting, and advertising activities. For example, to show advertisements related to the interests of the visitors based on the pages and products viewed by the visitors.

What is the Method and Legal Reason for Collecting Personal Data?

Your personal data is obtained through cookies during your visit to our site or use of our application. In line with the purposes specified in this disclosure text and Imecar Personal Data Protection and Processing Agreement, your personal data may be processed without your consent in the presence of one of the legal data processing conditions specified in Article 5 of the KVKK, such as the necessity of processing data for the legitimate interests of Imecar, the necessity of data processing for Imecar to fulfill its legal obligations, and the necessity of data processing directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract. Otherwise, your personal data will only be processed with your explicit consent.

To Whom and For What Purposes Can We Transfer Your Personal Data?

Imecar may share your personal data within the scope of the disclosure text with third parties, cloud services, affiliates, business partners, and group companies limited to the purposes specified in the Imecar Personal Data Protection and Processing Agreement and in accordance with the KVKK and other legislation. We would like to state that the parties to whom the data is transferred may store your personal data on servers all over the world.

How to Manage Cookie Preferences?

It is very important for Imecar that visitors can freely use their preferences regarding which personal data can be collected about them. However, it is not possible to manage preferences for cookies that are mandatory for the operation of the site. We would like to remind you that if some cookies are turned off, various functions of the site may not work.

Information on how you can manage your preferences regarding the cookies used on the site is given below:

Visitors have the opportunity to customize their preferences for cookies by changing the settings of the browser they view the site through. If the browser being used offers this possibility, it is possible to change the preferences for cookies through the browser settings. Thus, although it may vary according to the possibilities offered by the browser, data owners have the opportunity to prevent the use of cookies, to choose to receive a warning before the use of cookies, or to disable or delete only some cookies. The preferences in this regard may vary depending on the browser being used, but a general explanation can be found at Cookie preferences must be set separately for each device from which the site is accessed.

Depending on the type of your internet browser, you can get information about cookies and use your right to allow or refuse cookies by following the steps below:

Google Chrome:
You can allow or block cookies from the “Cookie” tab by clicking the “lock sign” or “i” letter in the “address section” of your browser.

Internet Explorer:
Click the “Tool” or “Tools” section in the upper right corner of your browser and manage your cookies by clicking the “Security” section and selecting “Allow” or “Do not allow”.

Mozilla Firefox:
Click the “menu” button in the upper right corner of your browser. Manage your cookies using the “Privacy and Security” button by clicking on the “Options” image.

For other browsers (such as opera, microsoft edge), you can review the relevant browser's help or support pages.

You can manage all your cookies from the “Privacy and Security” section by selecting the “safari” tab from the “Settings” section of your phone.

In addition to the above options, you can visit or